Polyvinylpyrrolidone, Sodium hydrogen carbonate, Sodium chloride, Pure water.
Instruction for Used
- First remove the safety ring and remove the protective cover.
- Please stop for 3 ~ 5 times for the first time to ensure the water glue spray out smoothly.
- Slightly tilt your head up. (1 to 2 times for children, 2 times for adults)
- Insert the lower part of the nose 5-6 times to allow the spray to fully adhere to the nasal mucosa. Please wipe the excess spray with toilet paper.
- If there is no remission, there may be too much nasal mucus, and you can use it again to improve it.
- After 10 minutes, the discomfort of dry nasal cavity can be obviously felt. If there is no remission, there may be too much nasal mucus and you can use it again for improvement.
- 萎縮性鼻炎(臭鼻症)、空鼻症、放射電療後所引起的鼻腔黏膜乾裂傷口
- 氣候劇烈改變、長期使用含類固醇鼻噴劑、長期處於開空調之場所引起的 鼻腔黏膜乾裂傷口
15 ml – 衛部醫器製壹字第 007584 號
- 噴時如有感到刺激感,可用拇指和食指捏住鼻翼後再使用。
- 使用本產品後的30分鐘內,應避免接觸患部,以免破壞保護膜。
- 本產品適用於黏膜潰瘍處傷口覆蓋,相關醫療處置仍需遵循醫囑。
- 本產品不適用於第三級燒燙傷,亦無法取代外科縫線。
搶先評價 “NanoSigma Nasal Liquid Bandage”